Quick & Easy Veg Enchiladas Recipe
Mexican cuisine is popular and loved throughout the world, the main reason being, it is packed with flavours, fresh ingredients and is delicious. Modern Mexican cuisine has its roots originating from traditional Mexican delicacies.
But, if you have never tried cooking Mexican cuisine, the task can seem a bit daunting and relatively complex. If you are a cooking enthusiast who loves Mexican cuisine or are looking to impress your significant other with a delicious meal on a date night. In that case, Veg Enchiladas are an excellent option for you.
Origin of Enchiladas:
Understanding a cuisine means understanding its history, origin and influence on the world. Enchiladas originated in Mexico back in the Mayan empire when people would roll tortillas and stuff them with various fillings. The first-ever created enchiladas were fish rolled in tortillas. Enchiladas were the first to be featured in one of the first Mexican cookbooks in the 1800s.
Enchiladas Today:
A lot has changed since the 1800s, and Mexican cuisine has gone international and is influenced by the local ingredients from the place it is served. Today, you will find Enchiladas recipe containing various types of meats, as well as Vegetarian Enchiladas. Typically, Enchiladas appear to be covered in chilli sauce from the top with generous amounts of grated cheese which melts during the cooking.
If you are looking for a vegetarian enchiladas recipe or a vegetable
enchiladas recipe, we got you covered. Orient Asian brings you a quick and easy to cook Veg Enchiladas recipe. This cooking guide will tell you how you can make Enchiladas at your home, skipping the expensive dining out at a Mexican Restaurant.
Similar to many countries, Mexican cuisine is picking up in India as well. This veg enchiladas recipe with Indian influence is bound to leave you craving for more. This veggie enchiladas recipe can also be called a vegan enchiladas recipe as it is free from any products derived from animals.
● Two tsp of oil
● One medium-sized onion
● Salt
● One medium-sized tomato
● Three different bell peppers ( red, yellow, and green)
● One cup of kidney beans
● Two tsp Orient Asian Mexican chutney
● Tortillas
● Grated cheese
1. Finely chop 1 medium-sized onion ( ½ cup of chopped onion)
2. Chop ½ a cup of tomato.
3. Chop 1 cup of mixed bell peppers. ( one of each)
4. Boil or pressure cook a cup of kidney beans.
Cooking Instructions:
Step 1: Heat a pan and add 2tsp of oil to it
Step 2: Add 1/4th chopped onion in the pan after the oil is heated
Step 3: Add a pinch of salt to the onion and saute them until transparent or golden brown
Note: Adding salt to the chopped onion speeds up cooking them, and they cook faster
Step 4: Add ½ cup of tomato and cook until it dissolves
Step 5: Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 3-4 minutes
Step 6: Add one cup of chopped mixed bell peppers to the pan
Step 7: Add a pinch of salt, mix the peppers with the cooked onions and tomatoes and cook for another 2-3 minutes
Step 8: Add 1 cup of boiled kidney beans to the pan
Step 9: Add 2 tsp of Orientasian Mexican chutney. Mix well and cook for 1 minute
Step 10: Remove from heat and keep asid.
Step 11: On the tortilla, spread the prepared filling
Step 12: Carefully make rolls of the tortillas and line them into the banking dish
Step 13: Spread 3tsp of Orientasian Mexican chutney over the rolls
Step 14: Grate some cheese and spread it over the rolls and sauce generously
Step 15: Preheat the over at 160- degree
Step 16: Bake the rolls for 20 minutes
We hope this blog helps you eat that delicious Mexican cuisine at the convenience of your home. Go ahead make these for your loved ones, and drop a comment below about how you liked this recipe. Let us know how you make your enchiladas in the comments below.
Also, get your hands on our Mexican chutney by clicking on the link here.
Also, check out other recipes here.

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